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Get Google Map JavaScript API Key

Steps: First open Google cloud console  and you will see below screen. ( N.B. :If you are already logged in with your Gmail account. Otherwise, it asks to log in first.) 2.Then click on APIs & Services menu. 3.After choose on APIs & Services menu you can see below screen and tap on CREATE NEW PROJECT button placed on right hand side. 4. I'm creating a project with name  map key generation test. you can give any name and location and after this click on create. 5.After creating a project you can see the dashboard like below and you receive notification of new project. 6. Then click on ENABLE APIs AND SERVICES button locate on top. 7.After click this button Google API library screen open then you have to select Maps javascript API card. 8.On click the card you can see below screen. Then click on enable button. 9.After open the enable screen go to the credential tab and click the credenti